Chapter of SC Genealogical Society


Chapter Bylaws:




 Effective: 05/21/18 07:26

  by: PMK

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(AMENDED JUNE 2, 2005)




The objective of the Greenville Chapter, South Carolina Genealogical Society, shall be to raise the standard of genealogical research through education programs and workshops, publication of genealogical data, promotion of the collection of records, the preservation  of records, publication of newsletters and journals and to stimulate a general interest in genealogy. Through its member of the State Society Board of Directors, the Chapter shall clear all major projects with the appropriate State Committee or Officer in order to avoid duplication of effort.




The membership classification of the chapter shall be:


             1. Individual Membership - is for any person interested in genealogy and the objectives of the Society. Annual dues are: $21.00.


             2. Family Membership - is available to two persons of the same family at the same address (with a single mailing of all communications and publications, State 

                  and local). Annual dues are $26.00.

             3. Associate Membership -is available only when the applicant has paid his/her Individual or Family dues to another constituent chapter of the SCGS. The

                 SCGS # and the name of the primary chapter must be given whenever applying for an Associate Membership. Annual dues are $15.00.


The membership year runs from January 1 to December 31. Dues paid after September 1 are for the following calendar year. New members joining between September are paid up until December 31st of the following year, but will only receive local Chapter publications until January 1, when they become full members. Then they will receive local and State publications and benefits Dues are not pro-rated by month. Therefore any new member joining from January 1 through September 1 must pay the full membership amount. Any member whose dues have not been paid by March 31st, shall be delinquent and his/her name shall be removed from the active membership roll and all mailing lists. Any publications missed due to late payment may be purchased, if available. The membership expiration date is shown on the mailing label indicating a method to tell when it is time for dues to be paid.




The Annual Meeting of the Chapter shall be held in November, the hour and place to be designated by the Board of Directors, and shall include written reports of the treasurer, other officers and standing committees; the election of new officers; and such other business as needs to be transacted.


Chapter meetings shall be held throughout the fiscal year, January 1 through December 31, not less than nine (9) times annually and shall be announced in advance of the meeting. Special meetings may be called by the by the President or by any five (5) members of the board of directors. Each member shall be entitled to one vote at any general or special meeting. Fifteen (15) members, present and voting for the Annual Meeting in November, the monthly chapter meetings and for any special meeting provided notice of the meeting has been given, shall constitute a quorum. Five (5) members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum to transact board business.




The Board of Directors shall consist of the officers of this Chapter, the immediate Past President and one or more members-at-large to be elected to the Board by the Chapter membership, to bring the Board of Directors membership to a total of ten. The Board of Directors shall transact the affairs of the Chapter between meetings and conduct business referred to it by the Chapter.


The Board of Directors shall meet monthly and upon call by the President. The current President and Recording Secretary of the Chapter shall serve as Chairman and Secretary, respectively, of the Board of Directors.




The Officers of this Chapter shall be:






            Recording Secretary      


            Corresponding Secretary

            State Representative


Any member shall be eligible for election to office.


The term of office for elected officers shall be for a two(2) year term extending from January 1 of the first year through December 31 of the second year.


The following officers will be elected at the Annual meeting in November of odd-numbered years and will begin their terms of office the following January:




            Recording Secretary



The remaining officers will be elected at the Annual meeting in November of even-numbered years and will begin their terms of office the following January:


            Corresponding Secretary



            State Representative


 An officer may serve only two consecutive two-year terms in the same position. After the second two-year term in that position, the Nominating Committee may consider him/her for a different board position. The two Consecutive two-year term limit may be waived by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors if a qualified candidate is not available and the current board position holder is willing to serve an additional two-year term.


The Vice-president shall be a member of the Board of Directors with designation “President-Elect” and shall succeed to the office of President if the President for any reason is unable to complete the elected term of office.


The board of Directors shall fill vacancies occurring in any board position, except the office of President, for a term extending until the next regularly scheduled election for that position.




The President:


            shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter and the Board of Directors


            shall call special meetings of the Chapter and of the Board of Directors when necessary


            shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee


            shall appoint members to standing and ad hoc committees (with the approval of the Board of Directors

            shall submit annually (not later than January 15) to the State Society the following:

                        a detailed year-end financial report

                        a copy of all Chapter publications

                        a copy of the annual Activity Report of the Chapter President

                        copies of the minutes of the Chapter meetings


            shall perform all others duties specified by the parliamentary authority


The Vice-President:


            shall preside in the absence of the President


            shall accede to the office of President in case of a vacancy during the term


            shall serve as the Chairman of the Program Committee


            shall assist the President when called upon


The Recording Secretary:


            shall keep a record of proceedings (minutes) of the meetings of the Chapter and Board of Directors


            shall send the Chapter meeting minutes to the Newsletter Editor for inclusion in the Newsletter of the next month. The minutes require approval by the members             present at the Chapter meeting following the one where the minutes were transcribed


            shall present for approval to the Board of Directors, a copy of the minutes of the previous months Board of Directors meeting


            shall perform such duties as may be requested by the President


The Corresponding Secretary:


            shall maintain a file of all correspondence sent to the Chapter


            shall reply to such correspondence as instructed by the President


            Shall perform such duties as may be requested by the President


The Treasurer


            shall (Duly assigned by the President) pick up mail from the Chapter P. O. Box on a regular basis

            shall receive all monies for the Chapter


            shall disburse all monies and pay all bills of the Chapter


            shall receive all applications for membership in the Chapter


            shall maintain a Master membership list. This list shall be the only acceptable list kept in the Chapter


            shall provide a membership list monthly to the Newsletter editor for the purpose of creating mailing labels for the Chapter Journals and Newsletters


            shall provide a delinquent list to the Membership Committee


            shall prepare written Treasurer’s reports for presentation at Chapter Meetings and Board of Director’s Meetings


            shall prepare and submit reports of membership to the State Society Treasurer and an annual detailed report to the Chapter President


            shall provide the Chapter President with copies of pertinent financial records such as bank statements and reports of membership


The Parliamentarian


            shall advise the chair on all points of parliamentary procedure


The Archivist


            shall be custodian of the permanent archives of the Chapter


            shall keep a record of all activities of the Chapter


            shall receive all material presented to the Chapter


            shall house all materials in a suitable and accessible location


            shall maintain an index of all archived materials


The State Representative


            shall represent the Chapter as a member of the Board of Directors of the South Carolina Genealogical Society


            shall report to the Chapter, information from the State Board of Directors meetings




A nominating committee consisting of three (3) persons from the membership shall be appointed by the President during the year (January to August 1) to bring a slate of officers to the following Annual Meeting.


The names of the proposed officers shall be presented in writing to the membership at the regular Chapter meeting immediately preceding the Annual Meeting


The membership may propose additional names for a given office provided the nominee(s) have given prior consent to serve and that the names of the nominee(s) have been presented in writing to the Chapter Secretary at least ten (10) days prior to the election.




The Program Committee


            shall consist of the Chairman, who is the current Vice-President, and at least two other members appointed by the President


            shall arrange such public programs as the Chapter may desire during the year


The Public Relations Committee


            shall be appointed by the President to be responsible for promoting the aims and activities of the Chapter through the news media serving the Greenville



The Projects Committee


            shall be appointed by the President to be responsible for planning, promoting and encouraging those activities determined by the Chapter to be its

            projects  (The President shall appoint as many members as necessary to carry out both local and State projects)


The Refreshment Committee


            shall be appointed by the President to be responsible for hosting a light refreshment and fellowship period at each Chapter meeting, where applicable


The Publication Committee


            shall be appointed by the President to be responsible for all Chapter publications


The Acquisitions committee


            shall be appointed by the President to inform the membership as to kinds of materials and records that comprise significant genealogical date


            shall encourage the membership to seek the acquisition of such material for the permanent archives of the Chapter


            shall regularly publish in the Chapter Newsletter, information regarding new acquisitions


            Shall work closely with the Archivist in preserving and making accessible these materials


            shall arrange for appropriate memorials for deceased members of the Chapter


The Membership Committee


            shall be appointed by the President to actively engage in developing Chapter membership by seeking out potential members using any effective means             available (media, membership programs, etc.)






Robert’s Rules of Order - Newly Revised, shall decide all questions of order that may arise and are not provided for in the By-laws.




These By-laws may be amended at any regular Chapter meeting by a two-thirds vote of the members present, provided notice of any proposed amendment has been given at a previous meeting. Proposed amendments, as approved by the Board of Directors, shall be sent to the entire membership in writing at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the meeting at which such amendments are to be considered.


Amendments to the By-laws shall be sent to the Archivist-Historian and to the Recording Secretary of the State Society.